The Politics of the Nature Photographer

Two weeks of political conventions have left me feeling a bit nauseous.  But, as a nature photographer, some things political have become clearer.

Instead of drilling for more domestic oil, why can’t our country embark on the environmental equivalent to the Manhattan project or the Apollo mission to develop alternative energy sources?  Instead of weaning ourselves from foreign oil why don’t we wean ourselves from oil in general at least to the maximum extent possible (haven’t seen a solar powered 747 yet).  If we can put a man on the moon in ten years is there any reason our great country can’t lead the world to alternative energy?  If we don’t, we’ll be giving up leadership to some other country.  Wouldn’t it be hilarious if that country was China.

One last thought – can you imaging the nature photographer overlooking a grand vista at sunset in Utah and exclaiming, “Oh man, this is amazing!  Won’t this make a stunning strip mine?”  One thing about the natural beauty we so enjoy is that it takes constant vigilance to preserve it.  One lapsed moment to greed and it’s gone forever.

Thoughts from a self-confessed tree hugger.


Author: doinlight

Ralph Nordstrom is an award-winning fine art landscape photographer and educator. He lives in Southern California and leads photography workshops throughout the Western United States.

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