Grand Canyon Sunrise

Two sunrises this week were at Bright Angel Point.  It’s a short walk from the North Rim lodge.  I arrived both mornings nearly two hours before sunrise (the first time by accident, the second by design).  I immersed myself in the solitude and could feel the quite.  I got to experience the whole wonderful transition from night to day without any distractions. 

And then minutes before the sunrise people began to show up.  Many came with cameras, some brought just their eyes and hearts.  All were there for the joy of watching the sun majestically rise into the sky.

We all shared the experience while at the same time each had their own personal, individual experience.  We were quite and intent on the unfolding world around us.  And when we did speak to each other, it was in hushed, reverent whispers.  I don’t need to analyze why we did.  Just the fact that we did is enough.


Author: doinlight

Ralph Nordstrom is an award-winning fine art landscape photographer and educator. He lives in Southern California and leads photography workshops throughout the Western United States.

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