Be Prepared

Don’t be caught without that one piece of camera gear you need to get the shot.

Often times when out shooting with other photographers I hear them say, “I wish I had brought my grad ND filter.”  Or maybe they didn’t have the lens they needed.  “Where is it?” I ask.  “It’s back in my hotel room,” is their response.  “Why didn’t you bring it with you?”  “I didn’t think I would need it,” or “It’s too heavy.”

Truth to tell, I don’t understand the rationale of selecting the gear you think you might need when going out on a shoot.  Why not take it all?  I suppose if you have 20 lenses (I exaggerate) you can’t take them all with you.  But a normal complement of gear that gives you the flexibility you need isn’t that hard to pack and carry.

Continue reading “Be Prepared”


Canon 1Ds Mark III Sensor Clean #2

I got dust on the sensor of my Canon 1Ds Mark III and couldn’t get it off.  The vibration on startup and shutdown didn’t dislodge it.  I tried cleaning it witn a sensor brush and that didn’t work.  So I took it into the local Canon Express Service Center to have them do it.  I was expecting to pay about 50 bucks for it but was delighted to find out they did it for free.  That put a smile on my face.  Another satisfied Canon customer.
